Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
ACL Injury
There are four elastic tissue bands (ligaments) located within and around the knee joint that are crucial to providing stability of the joint. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) travels diagonally through the center of the knee from the posterior femur (thigh bone) to the anterior (front) tibia. This ligament provides rotational stability as well as limiting forward movement of the tibia (shin bone). If the ACL is stretched beyond its limits, the tibia can slip from under the femur causing the ligament to tear. An ACL injury or disruption can result in a mild strain, from simply being stretched, to the ligament being completely torn. This type of injury can be caused by a direct blow to the knee, sudden stopping, pivoting with a firmly planted foot, or suddenly slowing down and changing direction. Because these actions are seen across several sports, an ACL injury is remarkably common among athletes.
Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine specialist, Dr. Jonathan Koscso, successfully diagnoses and treats patients in Sarasota, FL and the surrounding Gulf Coast region who have experienced an ACL injury.
Risk Factors for ACL Injury
There are an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 anterior cruciate ligament injuries each year in the United States, and an approximate 400,000 ACL reconstructions performed worldwide annually. An ACL injury is exceptionally prevalent among athletes of all ages and experience levels. However, there are a number of factors that can increase the likelihood of experiencing an ACL injury, as follows:
Women are two to four times more likely to experience an ACL tear than men. The differences in anatomy, muscle strength, and hormonal influences may contribute to this.
Poor conditioning and coordination. In fact, many ACL injury-prevention strategies prioritize proper neuromuscular coordination as it is perhaps the largest modifiable risk factor for ACL injury.
Wearing footwear that does not fit correctly or provides poor support.
Artificial turf: More ACL injuries occur on fields lined with artificial turf than grassy surfaces.
Symptoms of ACL Injury
Sudden and severe pain immediately following a knee injury is the most common complaint of an ACL injury. Other symptoms of an ACL injury include:
A “popping” sound is often heard at the time of the injury
Pain and tenderness along the joint line
Decreased range of motion
Difficulty or pain with weight-bearing
Swelling and bruising of the affected knee
Knee instability
To diagnose an ACL injury if present, Dr. Koscso will perform a comprehensive medical history and inquire about the events leading up to the injury. He will also perform a thorough physical examination including an evaluation for areas of pain and assessing knee range of motion and stability. Diagnostic imaging such as x-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be requested to confirm a diagnosis of ACL injury and identify any damage to other structures within the knee joint. For example, it is not uncommon for patients with ACL injuries to also injure surrounding structures such as the meniscus or articulating cartilage within the knee.
Non-Surgical Treatment
If a patient does not experience knee instability with an ACL injury, or if the ACL is not required for sports or daily activities for a particular patient, conservative therapy may be enough to successfully recover from an ACL injury. Avoiding weight-bearing with crutches and applying a knee brace can help the joint stabilize properly. A combination of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can be used for pain management and reduce swelling associated with this injury. When the pain and swelling have dissipated, a physical rehabilitation program aimed at restoring muscle strength and range of motion becomes crucial. As stated above, imbalances in neuromuscular coordination with running, pivoting, jumping, and landing are often the largest modifiable risk factors for ACL injury, and a proper physical therapy program aims to improve this.
Surgical Treatment
In the event of a more severe or complex tear of the ACL, or if conservative therapy is unsuccessful, an arthroscopic ACL reconstruction may be necessary to restabilize the knee joint. This minimally invasive procedure involves a small camera (arthroscope) to visualize the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the knee joint. Dr. Koscso uses specialized surgical instruments to excise the damaged fragments of the ACL that are then replaced with a tissue graft, either from the patient (autograft) or donor tissue (allograft). This arthroscopic procedure (as opposed to a traditional “open” procedure) provides a shorter recovery period for patients to return to their normal daily activities.
There are a number of important surgical considerations that go into performing an ACL reconstruction such as graft choice (autograft patellar tendon, quadriceps tendon, hamstring tendon or allograft tissue from a cadaver) and treatment of other potentially injured structures in the knee (meniscus, articular cartilage). These factors are addressed in a somewhat case-by-case basis after a careful discussion with the patient before surgery. A comprehensive surgical plan and discussion of risks, benefits, and expected recovery will be done at your visit with Dr. Koscso.
Insufficient left knee ACL after injury with gross laxity noted at the time of surgery (left). Successfully reconstructed left knee ACL with autograft tissue and appropriate tension (right).
Post-Operative Recovery
For a comprehensive reading of the expected post-operative recovery, including restrictions, physical therapy progressions, and return to work/sport guidelines after ACL reconstruction surgery, please see our corresponding protocol on our physical therapy protocols page.
About the Author
Dr. Jonathan Koscso is an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Kennedy-White Orthopaedic Center in Sarasota, FL. Dr. Koscso treats a vast spectrum of sports conditions, including shoulder, elbow, knee, and ankle disorders. Dr. Koscso was educated at the University of South Florida and the USF Morsani College of Medicine, followed by orthopedic surgery residency at Washington University in St. Louis/Barnes-Jewish Hospital and sports medicine & shoulder surgery fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, the consistent #1 orthopaedic hospital as ranked by U.S. News & World Report. He has been a team physician for the New York Mets, Iona College Athletics, and NYC’s PSAL.
Disclaimer: All materials presented on this website are the opinions of Dr. Jonathan Koscso and any guest writers, and should not be construed as medical advice. Each patient’s specific condition is different, and a comprehensive medical assessment requires a full medical history, physical exam, and review of diagnostic imaging. If you would like to seek the opinion of Dr. Jonathan Koscso for your specific case, we recommend contacting our office to make an appointment.